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This page has a collection of our various plans and reports and is updated periodically. To jump to the specific plan or report you are interested in, use the left hand menu, or scroll the page to review all.

Annual Business Plan

Our Annual Business Plan outlines Tarion’s priorities for the year. For every one of our strategic objectives, the key initiatives required to support them are detailed. Also included are performance measures, targets, budget information and projections. 

2024 Annual Business Plan PDF
2023 Annual Business Plan PDF
2022 Annual Business Plan PDF

Auditor General Implementation Plan

In October 2019, the Auditor General of Ontario released the Special Audit of the Tarion Warranty Corporation which included a number of recommendations to help Tarion deliver better customer service, enhance transparency, and increase consumer protection. Below you will find Tarion’s Implementation Plan for those recommendations.

Our progress

Tarion continues to make progress in addressing recommendations from the Auditor General of Ontario with the release of the Auditor General’s 2023 follow-up to their report and Tarion’s updated implementation plan. 

Our goal is to provide those buying new homes with the best new home warranty protection program in the country and make it clear Tarion is here to support them in one of life’s biggest purchases.

With the new Customer Service Standard (CSS) regulations coming into effect as of May 1 of 2024, Tarion will have completed 54 of 55 recommended actions.

Changes to the CSS will help homeowners and create real improvements in their new home buying experience including:

  • Extending the initial homeowner submission period by 10 days (now 40 days) and making the 10-day grace period at the end of the first-year warranty period permanent.
  • Creating a mid-year submission at six months.
  • Allowing homeowners to add items to MyHome at any time during the first-year warranty period.

Expanding when homeowners can ask for a conciliation inspection during the first-year warranty period by removing the 30-day timeline for a homeowner to request a conciliation. Tarion has also recently developed a new policy for addressing items which were unfinished when a homeowner took possession and improved Tarion’s processes for the timely resolution of homeowner issues.

Tarion has also made additional improvements not recommended by the Auditor General, specifically by increasing the warranty compensation limit to $400,000, and creating a new Temporary Relocation Warranty to help cover the costs homeowners may have to pay if they are required to relocate while repairs are completed.  

Tarion is making these changes and creating a stronger new home warranty and protection program to protect all Ontarians and increase consumer confidence when making one of their most important purchases, a new home.

Implementation Plan & Updates

Annual Reports

Our annual report provides valuable information to stakeholders including operational and financial results, industry updates, and initiatives undertaken to improve the new home buying experience

2023 Annual Report PDF

2022 Annual Report PDF 

2021 Annual Report PDF

2020 Annual Report PDF

2019 Annual Report PDF

Collections Reporting

Under the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act, vendors/builders are responsible for addressing warranted defects in the homes that they build. In cases where a vendor/builder does not or is unable to fulfill their warranty obligations, Tarion will resolve warranty claims directly with the homeowner. This may involve contracting with a third party to complete the repairs or providing the homeowner with cash settlement. 

In cases wherein Tarion incurs losses as a result of investigating and/or resolving the warranty claims, Tarion will seek to recover the costs from the vendor/builder. The recovery table below shows the recovery rates by vendor/builder licence status for the current year, and the average over the last 5 years. 

Recovery rates by Licence Status

Licence Status
How to interpret the table

Recovery rates will be reported based on 12 months of claims paid over 18 months of recovery effort elapse time because it can take time to pursue the recovery of these costs. For example, Q2 2020 reporting will evaluate claims paid from January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019 with a recovery period from January 1, 2019 - June 2020. On a quarterly basis, the time period segments will roll forward accordingly.

The recovery rates on claims paid are grouped into three categories based on the vendor/builder’s licence status as at the time of reporting:

  1. Licensed
  2. Expired
  3. Unlicensed

Recovery rate measures 12 months of claims over 18 months of recovery elapsed time.
Benchmark based on 2017-2021.
MSD - Tarion responsible claims are excluded from calculation.

Corporate Social Responsibility Plan

Tarion puts a high priority on fostering sustainability and integrating meaningful economic, social and environmental considerations into our business practices. This plan serves to highlight Tarion’s progress on corporate social responsibility and outlines further steps to build upon these achievements.

2023 Corporate Social Responsibility Plan 

Financial Statements

To review our most recent Financial Statement view the PDF linked below:

2019 Financial Statement


Homeowner & Builders Surveys

For a collection of our homeowner and builders surveys please visit the links below: 

Homeowner Surveys

Builders Surveys

Non-Chargeable Conciliations Report

The following table shows a breakdown of non-chargeable conciliations in 2023.

For more information about chargeability and exceptions to chargeability, please refer to Registrar Bulletin 4.

Exception ReasonNumber of Cases
Denied Access57
Evidence of Prior Satisfaction35
MSD VB Full Responsibility1
Reasonable Repair Refused23
Reasonable Settlement Refused265
Re-introduced Item or New Issue56
Shortened or No Builder Repair Period38
Special Circumstances / VP Approved5
Grand Total480

Mediation Quarterly Reports

In the interest of transparency, and to help homeowners better understand the mediation process, Tarion posts key statistics about the independent mediation program under O. Reg. 242/21. The information is defined in the Administrative Agreement between Tarion and the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery, and Tarion will update this information on a quarterly basis.

Mediation Quarterly Report - 2024 (Q1 & Q2)

Mediation Quarterly Report - 2023

Mediation Quarterly Report - 2022

Mediation Quarterly Report - 2021



The New Home Buyers Report

The Tarion New Home Buyers Report draws a detailed portrait of Ontarians buying new homes. Designed as an evidence-based consumer education resource, the report puts a spotlight on new homebuyers – who they are, what they are looking for and how they prepare for one of life’s biggest purchases. The report is based on an online survey conducted between November 6 and 21st, 2023 with a sample of 538 Ontarians. View the report below.

The 2024 New Home Buyers Report

To view the previous year's report, click on the link below.

2023 New Home Buyers Report

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