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Tarion operates within a regulatory framework governed by legislation, by-laws and Minister's Orders. 
In this section, you can find various documents that outline Tarion's structure, powers and business operations.

Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act & Regulations

​​​​​The Ontario government, through the Ministry of Consumer Services, has empowered Tarion to administer and enforce the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act and Regulations.

The Act and Regulations are amended periodically and describe the new home warranty plan, including the coverage and the requirements for builder and vendor registration and enrolment of homes.

Tarion Organizational By-Laws

By-Law No.1
A corporate by-law which outlines Tarion’s organization including such matters as election of members and directors, formalities for meetings, appointment of officers and execution of documents.

Review By-Law No. 1 here

Tarion’s recently revised board structure reflects a more formal skills-based selection process as well as balanced stakeholder representation.

On November 27, 2019, the Minister of Government and Consumer Services issued Minister’s Orders directing Tarion to make changes to its board structure pursuant to recommendations made by the Auditor General. Tarion fully supports the government’s mandate to fulfill the Auditor General’s recommendations on governance.

Visit the Minister's Orders tab to view the Minister's Orders regarding board governance changes. 

By-Law No.2
A corporate by-law which outlines the borrowing powers of the board on behalf of the corporation. 

Review By-Law No.2 Here


Certificate of Restated Articles of Incorporation

Review Certificate of Restated Articles of Incorporation Here

Annual Regulatory Plan

Each year Tarion develops and publishes on its website an Annual Regulatory Plan, which summarizes policy initiatives Tarion intends to pursue in that year.

Annual Regulatory Plan 2024 PDF

Annual Regulatory Plan 2023 PDF

Annual Regulatory Plan 2022 PDF

Minister’s Orders

From time to time, Tarion is directed by the Ministry to address certain matters. These directives in some cases are communicated by statutory Minister’s Order. The following are the links to statutory Minister’s Orders received by Tarion from the Minister:

2019-11-27 Minister's Order: Competency Criteria

2019-11-27 Minister's Order: Decrease Size of Board Under ONHWPA

2019-11-27 Minister's Order: Maximum Percentage of Board Members Under ONHWPA

2019-09-30 Minister's Order: Disclosure of Compensation & Other Payments Under ONHWPA

Tarion is an administrative authority overseen by the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services. To improve existing oversight, accountability and transparency, Tarion and the Minister have entered into a new Administrative Agreement. This replaces Tarion's former accountability agreement and sets out new legally-binding rules for Tarion, including: 

  • Requirements for reporting, including publishing an annual report and business plan;
  • Commitments regarding governance and the New Home Ombuds;
  • Competency requirements for board members and a code of conduct for directors;
  • Rules around privacy and access to information;
  • Requirements for policy development, consultation, and regulatory changes; and
  • Operational commitments, performance indicators, and targets to measure Tarion’s performance and to ensure its mandated responsibilities are met.

Affirmation Letter Signed by the Minister