TORONTO – Tarion is seeking public input on several potential regulatory changes to support the implementation of amendments to the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act to support Tarion’s continued role in administering new home warranties and protections if the New Home Construction Licensing Act, 2017 is proclaimed into force.
“Tarion continues to move forward with our plan to create a stronger new home warranty and protection program for all Ontarians,” said Peter Balasubramanian, President and CEO of Tarion. “Working with the Home Construction Regulatory Authority and the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, we are laying the foundation for a successful launch of a new regulator for new home builders and vendors.”
Tarion is seeking public input on the following areas:
- A new requirement that vendors attach a Warranty Information Sheet to purchase agreements to provide clear and helpful warranty and other information at the point of sale.
- The evaluation criteria that should have to be met for a home to qualify for enrolment, and for a home to be enrolled, in the Ontario New Home Warranties and Protection Plan so that a vendor or builder can sell or build a new home.
- The provisions that should be included in standard vendor and builder agreements with Tarion.
- Temporary changes to registration renewal to allow for a seamless transition of this responsibility to the regulatory authority, if one is designated.
Tarion is accepting feedback between September 18 and October 19, 2020. Those interested in providing comments are encouraged to submit them through Ontario’s Regulatory Registry or to
For more information about the consultation, please visit our consultation page.
Tarion continues to modernize and build a more transparent, fair, and accountable new home warranty and protection program, and recently released their implementation plan on the Auditor General of Ontario’s recommendations. Of the twenty-five recommendations directed to Tarion in the report, eleven have been completed, with eight more to be completed by the end of this year. Tarion has committed to complete the remaining six items in 2021.
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